Qualifying For Group Health Insurance When You Are Self-Employed

Insurance Blog

If you are self-employed, you may simply assume that there is no way you would ever qualify for group health insurance rates. After all, these types of group health insurance plans are most commonly offered by large employers as a way of helping their employees secure affordable healthcare coverage. However, the fact that you work alone or with a very limited number of people does not need to exclude you from enjoying the benefits that group health insurance has to offer. In fact, qualifying for group health insurance coverage can be much easier than many self-employed people realize. This is because sharing an employer is just one way in which individuals can qualify as a group for the purpose of buying health insurance coverage.

Continue reading to learn more about some of the other ways in which you could qualify for group health insurance if you are self-employed. 

Apply For Coverage With Others Who Share A Common Profession

Just because you do not share an employer with a large number of other people does not mean that you are the only person in your chosen profession. In fact, certain professions tend to be very popular among self-employed individuals. Choosing to join forces with others who share your same profession can be a great way to qualify for group health insurance coverage. For instance, if you are a freelance writer, you could choose to join forces with other writers to form an insurance group and secure the lower insurance rates that you seek.

Apply For Coverage With Others Who Share A Common Location

Another very easy way to find people to share an insurance group with you is to look for other individuals who share your same location. For example, rather than simply looking for other writers, you may want to simply look for other self-employed people in your city or state. Choosing to expand your membership criteria in this way can make it easier to locate more potential members and ultimately allow you to qualify for even lower insurance rates.

Apply For Coverage With Others Who Share A Common Affiliation

if you are an active member of a community group or religious organization, you may want to create an insurance group with other members who share this same affiliation. The great thing about choosing this option when creating your insurance group is that you will never need to worry about changes in your professional life impacting your ability to continue qualifying for group health insurance benefits. 


13 October 2022