Filing A Worker's Compensation Claim? Watch What You Do

Insurance Blog

Many worker's compensation insurance companies hire private investigators to verify if your claim is valid. During the claims process, it is important to take steps to avoid your claim being thrown out. 

Know Your Diagnosis

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you know what your diagnosis says word for word. Read over the diagnose that the doctor provided you and that you provided your insurance company. Make sure that you read and memorize everything that your doctor advised you not to do.

Make sure that your doctor clearly writes out and explains to you what activities you should be avoiding due to your diagnosis. Make sure that you understand exactly what they mean so you don't void your worker's compensation claim or further injure yourself.

For example, if you are not to lift anything at all, that includes everyday tasks like taking out the trash or carrying in the groceries. If you can't lift anything at all, enlist your family and friends to help you with those tasks. 

Ask your doctor to provide you with examples of everyday activities that you should avoid, so you don't inadvertently do something that your disability should limit you from doing.

Be Careful Outside Of Your House

The second thing you need to do is be careful when you are outside of your home. Many insurance companies hire private investigators to verify a claimant's disability. 

If the private investigators capture evidence that you are performing an activity your disability shouldn't allow you to do, they can throw out your claim. That is why it is so important to know what your exact physical limitations are and to not exceed them. 

Be Careful About How You Represent Yourself Online

The third thing you need to do is be careful about how you represent yourself online. Many insurance companies nowadays do not only monitor what you do in public, but they also monitor how you represent yourself online.

Be careful about posting anything online while going through a worker's compensation claim process. Even an innocent post of you next to a bed of flowers with the hashtag gardening next it to could put your claim in jeopardy if the insurance company interprets your post to mean that your are up to the physical task of gardening. You may just have been posing next to the flowers, but images can easily be misconstrued online.  

Make sure that you know what your medical diagnose says you can and cannot do, and make sure that you follow it exactly as it is written. If you have any questions about things you can or cannot do or post online, discuss these concerns with your worker's compensation attorney. 


11 July 2016